Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Okay, Scotty had his yearly physical today and might I mention that this is TWO hours of our life that will be lost forever. There is a sign that encourages you to tell the charge nurse if you have not been seen within 30 minutes of your scheduled appointment. Well, we had been waiting for 45+ minutes and Paige is hounding me to do as the sign says-------so I do and what happens when I stick my head out: I almost collide with the doctor; or should I say resident (this is a university town with a medical school!). Anyway she is asking Scotty about exercise and controlling his blood sugar. Of course she is amazed that he is logging 2 hours a day, but he does and most of that is using Wii Fit and the Wii EA Active. Throw in swimming and bike riding and you have at least 2 hours!

Next they insist on giving me an updated shot record read below for errors:
  • The first one has his sister listed as his parent
  • The second one has me listed as the parent, but with a different last name
  • The third one has my last name spelled wrong

Needless to say when I point out the 3rd mistake the nurse replies, "Well, we are using too many of these shot records today. " She takes a black pen and writes over the misspelled last name. All the while acting like this whole thing is my fault. Did I mention that I do not even need this shot record?

Let's just say that the Wii is also great for relieving stress that is left over from the days events :-)!!

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